Friday, November 18, 2011

Eat these good carbs for better energy

Carbohydrates are present in practically everything we eat. There are essentially two kinds of carbs, simple and complex and when it comes to optimal weight and energy management, the simple carbohydrates aren't as beneficial as the complex carbs.
The complex carbs are 'good' for energy and weight control, because they contain longer chains of sugar molecules and take more time to digest - therefore, keeping us full for longer. Today we're telling you what these 'good' carbs are and how they can be a part of your daily diet.

What is an energy food? To perform daily activities our body needs a continuous input of energy. When you eat a carbohydrate rich food, your body converts it to glucogen. After this stage it is either used in providing a steady dose of
blood sugar or stored in the muscles for later use. Simple carbs provide an instant dose of energy, by pumping up the blood sugar levels in spikes. This dissipates as quickly as it happens. Complex carbs or energy rich foods, are sources of sustained energy which lasts longer and is used by your body when needed the most.

Whole grains are good for energy! Eating whole grains instead of refined processed grains, is known to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin levels. The fiber in the grains helps prevent constipation which is a fast growing lifestyle disease. Oats, oats bran, brown rice, whole grain breads are a few examples. Pastas and macaroni made out of whole grains are suggested as well.

Pick a fruit instead of the juice! Juices miss the vital edible skin and the pulp part of the fruit, and therefore are reduced in fiber content. The sugar content in the whole fruit is lesser than the content in the juice. 120 calories of whole apples have about 24 grams of sugar, while similar calorie content of juice has about 30 grams. Juices are a good replacement for aerated drinks, but not for a whole fruit. When you have a choice, pick the whole fruit.

Beans: These are a good source of slowly digested carbs, hence a good source of energy. Kidney beans, black beans, peas, garbanzo beans, soy beans and pinto beans, can all be included in
healthy and tasty meals. Rajma or red kidney beans with brown rice, instead of white, gives the traditional favorite a healthier twist.

Legumes: Legumes or pulses have always known to be a rich protein source. Legumes provide a much needed dose of complex carbs to the body giving energy that is stored in the muscles and liver for a later time. Any dal minus the oily tadka is as healthy as it can get! However, do keep in mind that legumes aren't complete proteins, and therefore cannot be your only source of protein in the day. Eat these to capitalise on their complex carb charectaristics.

Eat your greens! Green vegetables, or the greens as they are known, contain minerals, multiple vitamins, are low on fat and also have large water content. Most varieties are complex carbs but the best sources are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach all types of lettuce, celery, cucumbers, cabbage. Green veggies are a certain go with good carbs.

And don't forget the whites: Soy milk is made from soy beans and is a good complex carb source. Dairy products like low-fat yogurt and skimmed milk are also efficient energy resources. Along with this, milk is a known source of calcium content without the added fat, In addition to calcium, milk also provides other essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and vitamins D, A and B12.