Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to stop love from making you act like a fool

Source: Psychology Today

Falling in love makes otherwise smart and self-respecting people feel, and act, ridiculous.  This is a fact.  Whether it's finding pathetic excuses to call again when he doesn't call back right away, or scheming to run into her outside her office "by accident," I don't know anyone hasn't, at least once, gone a bit bonkers for new love.
It's not as if you don't at least suspect, when it's happening, that you're being an idiot.  But that doesn't help you, because you tackle your idiocy from the wrong end - you try, by sheer force of will, to purge yourself of your idiotic impulses.  This never, ever works.  Which is why, despite swearing to yourself and your friends that you are going to play it cool this time, you'll still end up sneaking off to the bathroom to check your messages again, for the twentieth time that day.  You need a better approach.
The fact of the matter is, you can't make yourself stop wanting to do dumb things when you have fallen hard for someone, any more than you can make yourself stop wanting cheesecake, or a cigarette, or a martini, or anything else that tempts you.   Take a moment to let that sink in, because it's really important.  I'll wait.
Now, the good news is that you can stop actually doing the things that make you look and feel like an idiot, despite the fact that you really want to do them, if you use the right strategy.  You can stop the compulsive voicemail and email-checking, the constant texting, and the Facebook stalking.  You can stop yourself from Googling his name (again).  You can shut out all those premature thoughts of what your wedding will be like, and what you'll name your children.  And when you're wondering on your second date if she has fallen in love with you yet, you can stop yourself from actually asking her.
The solution begins with embracing the idea that dating is like dieting.  Nobody loses weight by deciding that they just won't want calorie-rich food anymore.  You can't talk yourself out of wanting french fries. And if you're counting on the sheer force will to see you through when you feel tempted, you're going to end up eating a lot of french fries.   
The next step is to do some if-then planning.  Over a hundred scientific studies - on everything from diet and exercise to curbing spending and quitting smoking - have shown that deciding in advance how you will handle your impulses (e.g., "If I am hungry and want a snack, then I will choose a healthy option like fruit or veggies," "If I want to smoke, then I'll step outside and take a deep breath,") will double or triple your chances for success.
The key to a successful plan involves deciding what you will do instead.  So when you are taken by the desire to try to track him down on Facebook or Foursquare, or to leave the "not sure if you got my last message" message on her answering machine, what more productive, non-creepy behavior will you replace it with?  My mother once giving me some excellent advice about a boyfriend I was obsessing over.  "If you feel like calling him," she said, "then call me."  You don't have to call your mother when love messes with your head, but having some sort of plan in place is essential.
If-then plans are simple, easy to create, and extraordinarily effective when it comes to resisting temptation, edible or otherwise.  Just taking a moment to decide, in advance, how you will handle your less attractive impulses could mean the difference between finding Mr. Right, and seriously freaking him out.

Marriage problems for parents, Sleep problems for baby

Source: Psychology Today

Here’s some sobering, if unsurprising, news: A recent study indicates that strength of your marriage can have an effect on your baby’s sleep. Researchers studied 350 families looking for a possible link between parents’ marital problems and sleep problems in their children. They followed the families over a nine-month period, beginning when the children were 9 months old. Here’s an important note: the researchers chose to study only adoptive families, in order to rule out the possibility of a genetic link between parents’ behaviors and their young children’s sleep habits, and to focus on the stress level in the family.   What did they find?
Marital instability among couples when their children were 9 months old predicted sleep problems in children 18 months of age.  The sleep difficulties for these toddlers included both falling asleep and staying asleep.
This study reinforces just how important it is to tend to our relationships with our partners. The health of your marriage can affect your children no matter how young they are. To me, this is also a perfect example of how sleep is at the very crux of our lives, as individuals and as families. Think about it:
  • Marital difficulties affect children’s sleep, even at a young age.
  • Parents of young children are often sleep-deprived--this is often especially true for moms--which can directly affect the quality of their relationship.
  • Moreover, studies have shown a strong correlation between sleep habits of parents and their infant children.
At every turn, sleep matters! Before you start feeling overwhelmed, keep this in mind: creating strong sleep habits—for you and for your child—is not just an important goal, it’s an achievable one. There are several simple, practical steps you can take to help your entire family get the nightly good rest they need.
As all of us who’ve been through it can attest, new parenthood is both wonderful and stressful. The demands of having a young child can put pressure on a marriage. Sleep deprivation, so common among parents of young children, can make things worse. To be sure, sleep isn’t the only issue in marital problems among parents of young children: financial pressures, work issues and grueling daily schedules are issues for many of us. But being sleep deprived can make all of these problems seem worse. Lack of sleep is also a critical factor in one’s individual health and well being, and therefore has an impact on the version of ourselves that we’re able to present to our partners.
Keep in mind these basic new-parent strategies for protecting your sleep, and your relationship.
Share the workload: Rotating feedings at night, trading off chores—when both partners are involved in family work, everyone gets a break.
Know yourselves: Pay attention to your own natural inclinations, when it comes to sleep. The night-owl of the two of you is probably better suited for the midnight feeding than the early bird.
One-on-one time: It can be tempting to put every moment of attention to your baby, especially new moms. Nurturing your marriage is important too. Find time every day to connect with your spouse.
To help your child develop strong sleep skills, start early with these basic habits:
Slow things down: As bedtime approaches, quiet the activity level in the house. Television, music, and high-octane running around can be replaced with reading and quiet play as you prepare for your child’s bedtime ritual.
Bath, bed, repeat: Create a bedtime routine that you can follow nightly. Maybe it’s bath, then PJs, followed by a book and a back rub. Your child’s routine should be quiet, soothing, and enjoyable for you both.
Set that bedtime: Once you’ve picked a bedtime for your child, stick with it. Toddlers ages 1-3 should be sleeping from 12-14 hours a night. (The National Sleep Foundation has recommendations for sleep amounts for children from infancy to adolescence.) Whatever time you pick, remember—consistency is the key.
Don’t skip the naps: Skimping on naps won’t make babies more apt to sleep. Also, it’s best to put your child when she’s sleepy, not exhausted or actually asleep. This way, she’s better able to develop self-soothing techniques that will help her fall asleep on her own.
Protecting health of your marriage, as this study indicates, is another way to help pass along good health—and strong sleep habits—to your child.
Sweet Dreams,
Michael J. Breus, PhD 
Effective Living Clinic
                                                                            Bringing Positivism in Life
We welcome you to Effective Living Clinic at Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India, an unique clinic that caters to psychological as well as physical cure in most scientific and natural way. Effective Living Clinic gives a professional touch to your issues and would bring positivism in your Life. 

We all need right guidance and moral support to excel in life sometimes....real good professional touch to cater to exact needs that you currently face. At Effective Living Clinic, we provide scientific guidance and therapeutic care for relief from pain and suffering, instill confidence and mental peace, mend relationships and help you take right decisions at the right time both in your personal and professional life.

We offer solutions for:

  • Depression / Mania
  • Anxiety / Panic Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
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  • Childhood Development Disorders
  • Substance Abuse/ Dependence
  • Impulse Related Disorders
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Stress related concerns
  • Age related disorders (Dementia, Alzheimer's, Menopause)
  • Personality Disorder
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Attention deficit disorders (ADHD)
  • Career Guidance
  • Relationship counselling 
  • Marital counseling (Pre-Post)
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Physical Ailments (Treatment with Alternate Medicine) 

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God grant me serenity

Source: Times of India

We are all familiar with the Serenity Prayer, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that must be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference." Serenity, courage, and wisdom are the three attributes most needed in our endeavor to remain in intimate relationship with one another. Accepting, changing, and discerning are the three labors that keep us close.
An intimate relationship with another human being involves all the many qualities of being human. The things we love naturally draw us in and make us happy. We are grateful for the enormous gift that is this opportunity to love and be loved by another human being.

If this, however, were all there was - only the things we naturally love and find comfort in - then intimacy would truly be easy, as simple as settling in to take a nap. But we all know that it is not this simple, because there is the other side of it. The things we do not like, the things we wish were otherwise, the things that make us uncomfortable, the things that lock us into fight or flight. Life and intimacy naturally weaves together both strands - the things that call us forward and the things that set us back.
The serenity prayer is not about the things that call us forward. I think we rarely reach for serenity, courage, and wisdom in the face of the things we naturally love. God grant me the serenity to accept this delicious plate of cookies (or whatever it is for you), is rarely uttered with the plaintive urgency at the heart of the prayer for serenity.
We pray for serenity, courage, and wisdom in the face of the things about the world, ourselves, and each other that we genuinely and desperately wish were different. Those things your partner does that drive you batty, hurt your feelings, disturb your peace, or make you angry are the things that wrest this cry from our throats. What I have always loved about the serenity prayer is right there in the title - the reminder that one whole and legitimate choice is a move in the direction of wholehearted acceptance. Too often we are trapped in the place where the only option is change - requested change, demanded change, arm-twisted change, change at any cost. And the fierce compassion of this prayer reminds us that being stuck in this place of change is not wise. And, of course, our own experience shows up over and over again to show us in no uncertain terms that some things will not be changed, not by us and not in the way we wanted, no matter how desperately we squirm.
Think now of something about your partner that you wish were otherwise, something perhaps that you have wished were otherwise for a long, long time. I'm sure I won't have to wait for long for you to think of something. We are all human and as human beings in intimate relationships, we cannot help but wish some things about ourselves, our partner, or our relationship were different. There is no great tragedy in this. So far so good.
The tragedy is in the turning away, our flinch back from connection because he isn't doing it right, she won't make herself in our image. We reactively break the connection because there is a mote in our partner's eye and we cannot stand to look at it. We turn away from connection; we fight or flee, trapped between coercion and hopelessness. When we are well fed and rested, we spend our strength trying desperately to jam a square peg into a round hole. When we become exhausted by our efforts, we throw our hands up and bemoan our wretched fates. But the gift of the serenity prayer reminds us that this is a trap of our own making. It is also there to catch us if we are lucky enough to fall. When we have finally exhausted every avenue, spent everything we have throwing ourselves against the unmovable object, then we might throw our voice up to plead for serenity, courage, and wisdom.
What if we accepted the things we cannot change? What would happen then? This acceptance is a great turning towards, it is a willful and loving embrace of what is, what actually is. And from this we get in return the whole world, this whole other person, to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, all the days of my life.
For me, the bottom line here is about turning towards each other and turning towards our lives. Let us turn toward the things about each other that we love and be grateful. Let us turn towards the things about each other that we do not love and be grateful. It is in the turning toward that we are fulfilled, that we allow intimacy into our lives, and it is by this intimacy that we genuinely love and are loved.
So, in the service of intimacy, give it a try, this turning towards, this accepting embrace. You don't have to do it forever, not even for a long time, maybe just for a moment, the span of a single breath. If you are like so many other intimate partners, you may get a whiff in that moment of the freedom and connection that is your birthright and your home - in each other's arms.

Effective Living Clinic
                                                                            Bringing Positivism in Life
We welcome you to Effective Living Clinic at Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India, an unique clinic that caters to psychological as well as physical cure in most scientific and natural way. Effective Living Clinic gives a professional touch to your issues and would bring positivism in your Life. 

We all need right guidance and moral support to excel in life sometimes....real good professional touch to cater to exact needs that you currently face. At Effective Living Clinic, we provide scientific guidance and therapeutic care for relief from pain and suffering, instill confidence and mental peace, mend relationships and help you take right decisions at the right time both in your personal and professional life.

We offer solutions for:
  • Depression / Mania
  • Anxiety / Panic Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Childhood Development Disorders
  • Substance Abuse/ Dependence
  • Impulse Related Disorders
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Stress related concerns
  • Age related disorders (Dementia, Alzheimer's, Menopause)
  • Personality Disorder
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Attention deficit disorders (ADHD)
  • Career Guidance
  • Relationship counselling 
  • Marital counseling (Pre-Post)
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Physical Ailments (Treatment with Alternate Medicine) 

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Make up to suit your age!

Source: Times of India
Dying to slap on some heavy-duty foundation and a thick coat of blush for a soiree? Don't, say makeup experts who now believe that age appropriate makeup is the new buzzword of the hour.

This does not mean that you need to put away your brushes and colourful eyeliners, just because you've cross a certain age milestone. What it does mean, is that you have to realize what happens with age to your face and work your makeup in such a way that you can counter those flaws.

One of the most important areas that is a big age-give away is the eye area. Puffy eyes and crow's feet have to be dealt with, either by way of treatment creams or with the use of concealers. But have fun with your eyes too. There is no need to use nude eye makeup or brown mascara just because you think you are older. Black mascara can look perfect when teamed with a lighter eye shadow to give your eyes some depth. As for your eyebrows, keep them dark, but not jet-black. Define them carefully or go to a professional salon to keep them in shape. Give them a bit of an arch as you grow older to give your face a slight lift.

Another drawback as you grow older is the problem of lack lustre skin. Since the face does not produce as many oils as when you were younger, dry skin can also be a problem as much as tired skin. All in all, the skin can look dull, patchy and pigmented. The first step in your makeup regimen therefore should be illumination. Wear a radiant primer, powder or foundation. Add anything that will add a bit of sparkle to your face and make you glow.

However, there should be no shine on your nose, so combat the shiny nose problem, either with a pore definer or some blotting paper. Cover all pigmentation with a concealer that is close to the colour of your skin.

While many old school makeup folk say that older women should stay away from blush and the rouge pot, this is no longer the norm. Use a blusher to look flushed and pretty, as it adds radiance too. Sweep your blush brush up and apply colour away from your cheeks to enhance your features.

As for lip colour, make sure that you use moisturizing or conditioning lipstick or gloss. The mouth seems to become slightly smaller or dryer with age, so keep your lip colours light and glossy to make your lips look plumper. Don't use very dark colours or too many nude shades as these could look dull and unbecoming. Keep rich colours for the evening, and go for soft pinks, corals or light lilac or brick shades to look sparkling and fresh all day.

Effective Living Clinic
                                                                            Bringing Positivism in Life
We welcome you to Effective Living Clinic at Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India, an unique clinic that caters to psychological as well as physical cure in most scientific and natural way. Effective Living Clinic gives a professional touch to your issues and would bring positivism in your Life. 

We all need right guidance and moral support to excel in life sometimes....real good professional touch to cater to exact needs that you currently face. At Effective Living Clinic, we provide scientific guidance and therapeutic care for relief from pain and suffering, instill confidence and mental peace, mend relationships and help you take right decisions at the right time both in your personal and professional life.

A complete rejuvenating experience awaits a tourist coming to India for wellness tourism as they surrender to the expert services of wellness therapist and age old Ayurvedic therapy.  At Effective Living Clinic we have the unique blend of goodness of age old ayurveda with modern techniques that are believed to counter the effects of stress and pollution from urban lifestyle environment.
Today in India,  Effective Living Clinic is seen as a preferred Wellness destination with Yoga, K Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Therapeutic and Wellness Massage, etc. together with medication which alleviates stress, removes toxins, tones skin with anti-aging properties, removes unwanted fats in the body, reduces weight, adds vigor along with providing nourishment and pampering the body and mind.
The potential of Wellness tourism is being further explored by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.  Over the years, Medical Tourism has gained momentum and today India is medical tourism hub. More and more tourist are coming to India to avail State-of-the-Art health care services at an affordable cost.
Effective Living Clinic has the advantage of having highly qualified and experienced doctor and medical professionals with world class infrastructure in terms of Clinic and if need be take guidance and treatment from the best hospitals around to take care all of your medical needs. Effective Living Clinic also provides counselling and psychotherapy sessions to those needed during your visit to the Clinic to channelize your mind and relationship that brings positivism in your life.
Visit Effective Living Clinic to enjoy the unique experience of your journey from illness to wellness.

Top 10 ways to fight office lethargy

Source: Times of India
Every single Monday has most of us wishing for more hours in bed. While some of us are merely sad to see the weekend go, there are some others who genuinely have trouble with sleep and energy levels - leaving them lethargic for most of their work days.

Many of them might be suffering from Hypersomnia and genuinely feel the need to sleep every few hours due to poor sleeping habits, which ultimately affect work hours and overall performance levels. Here are top 10 ways to fight office lethargy and how you can learn to keep sleepiness at bay.

Be friendly with your coffee machine, but don't get too close. Caffeine stimulates the heart and respiratory systems. But don't be too friendly. Limit your coffee consumption to just two cups a day. Make sure that for every coffee you drink when you are feeling sleepy, you drink two full glasses of water, to help your system replenish what the caffeine takes out.

Eat breakfast to keep hunger pangs at bay. Office life can wreck your diet decisions if you are not careful. One of the most common reasons behind our urge to overeat at work is the lack of an adequate breakfast. Skipping breakfast leads to an erratic lifestyle pattern. It's the most important meal of the day, and we end up neglecting it. A good healthy breakfast ensures that you have enough energy supplies, keeping sleepiness at bay.

Try office yoga! Reversed Shoulder Rotation and Thoracic Wave - Inhale as you move your shoulders in an upward and backward direction. Exhale as you move them in a downward and frontward direction. Take deep breaths and keep your neck and spine comfortably straight. Perform 8-10 rotations on each side. Konasana - Stand straight with legs wide apart. Now bend forward from your waist. Try and touch the ground with the tips of your fingers, if possible place both your hands on the ground while standing. Your upper body should be in a straight line. Look ahead by about 3 inches. Perform konasana for 10-30 seconds and breathe normally throughout the asana.

Give it a break: Understand that you are not a superhero. And to add to it, it may do your eyes a whole lot of good too. Stroll around your office corridor once in a while and meet your friends in order to beat office lethargy. Don't go all out and start partying bang in the middle of a work day, but walk up to any colleagues you need to chat with, get your own bottle of water, and give yourself a break from the desk at regular intervals. Your atrophying leg muscles will thank you for it.

Leave the technology out of your bedroom at night. While most are addicted to televisions, music docks and laptops in their bedrooms, keeping so many distractions strewn around your night's sleep space can be detrimental. Why? Because your mind won't be at ease. Constant whirring, flicking, ticking sounds will keep your mind alert and that's not a good recipe for a good snooze.

De-stress: Stress is one of the main reasons that make the limited time that we have for sleeping less productive. Before sleeping try and do something soothing such as reading, talking to your spouse or close friend, taking a long bath or anything that takes your mind away from what's bothering you. It is not that hard after all. A good night's sleep is a sure shot way to ensure you are full of vigour and energy all day long, even when you at work.

Avoid white foods at night: By white foods we mean foods which are white in colour such as white pasta, white sugar, white rice. They are all high in glycemic index, thus leading to a rise in blood sugar levels, lethargy and laziness. Try and eat sweet potatoes and brown rice at night in order to load up on complex carbs and dietary fibre that'll ensure that you wake up feeling energetic and light.

Try meditation: This really works. People who meditate, do it in the morning, but meditating for half an hour before bed is also a good idea. This will give you a sound sleeping time and will help you in waking up all fresh and happy in the morning. Studies have suggested that people who sleep a deep 6 to 8 hours of sleep are less likely to feel sleepy in the afternoon.

Visit a sleep specialist: If nothing seems to work, then we advise you to see a sleep specialist as you might just be suffering from sleep apnea or narcolepsy. According to experts, untreated sleep and undiagnosed sleep disorders are main reasons why most workers are always sleepy in the office. A sleep specialist will diagnose and prescribe medication for any condition that you might be suffering from.

Respect your limits: In the end, when nothing works and you feel dog tired, then try and respect it! Walk during your lunch break. For instance, you can take a stroll till the end of the road after you are done eating. And if nothing helps, then it is about time you keep your head down for 10 minutes and take a power nap - this will surely energize you!
  Effective Living Clinic
                                                                            Bringing Positivism in Life
We welcome you to Effective Living Clinic at Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India, an unique clinic that caters to psychological as well as physical cure in most scientific and natural way. Effective Living Clinic gives a professional touch to your issues and would bring positivism in your Life. 

We all need right guidance and moral support to excel in life sometimes....real good professional touch to cater to exact needs that you currently face. At Effective Living Clinic, we provide scientific guidance and therapeutic care for relief from pain and suffering, instill confidence and mental peace, mend relationships and help you take right decisions at the right time both in your personal and professional life.

We offer solutions for:
  • Depression / Mania
  • Anxiety / Panic Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Childhood Development Disorders
  • Substance Abuse/ Dependence
  • Impulse Related Disorders
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Stress related concerns
  • Age related disorders (Dementia, Alzheimer's, Menopause)
  • Personality Disorder
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Attention deficit disorders (ADHD)
  • Career Guidance
  • Relationship counselling 
  • Marital counseling (Pre-Post)
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Physical Ailments (Treatment with Alternate Medicine) 

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Get rid of bad breath, now!

Source: Times of India

Spot the causes of bad breath and stop them completely

You are out for a party or for a very important meeting. You have foul smell which you don't realise, but people around you do. And you notice them trying to distance from you. Then you see someone coming to your rescue and informing you that you have bad mouth-odour problem. What do you do? Run away or wash your mouth by excusing yourself for a minute? But do you know the reasons for foul mouth odour? Here are some:

Dirty mouth: Mostly bad breath is due to the bacteria which is already present inside the mouth. When the bacteria interact with food particles it creates stinky smell and leads to bad odour. It also happens when the mouth is not washed properly after taking a meal. One should also drink a lot of water to help remove the extra matter from the mouth after a meal.

Bad habits: The basic thing that leads to bad breath is smoking, drinking and chewing tabocco. Not brushing properly and only cleaning the areas which are easily accessible, leaving parts like throat, tonsils and lower tongue also cause bad mouth odour.

Low carb diet: High protein diet and less carbohydrate creates problem. It generally happens during the exercise regime, because more protein diet is suggested to burn the stored fat inside the body which later lead to bad smell. So, it is required to eat a balanced diet so that people don't run away from you.

Illness: Occasionally, bad breath can be a sign of a more serious illness. The most common systemic causes of bad breath are diabetes or GERD (or gastro esophageal reflux disease). Other diseases which could lead to bad breath are liver or kidney disease. It happens due to the toxin which is excreted due to the disease.

Food: When you are out for lunch or dinner try and avoid sticky food. Sticky food do not get easily removed in one wash. It might need proper brushing of the teeth. Such food can also lead to foul smell. The obvious offenders are onions, garlic, spices, cheese, and fish.

Fast: Fasting and bad smell are a lethal combination. When a person goes without eating for a long period of time, the body breaks down the stored fat to release energy. In turn it releases Ketons which is pushed along with the breath and fills the mouth with bad odour.

 Effective Living Clinic
                                                       Bringing Positivism in Life
We welcome you to Effective Living Clinic at Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India, an unique clinic that caters to psychological as well as physical cure in most scientific and natural way. Effective Living Clinic gives a professional touch to your issues and would bring positivism in your Life. 

We all need right guidance and moral support to excel in life sometimes....real good professional touch to cater to exact needs that you currently face. At Effective Living Clinic, we provide scientific guidance and therapeutic care for relief from pain and suffering, instill confidence and mental peace, mend relationships and help you take right decisions at the right time both in your personal and professional life.

We offer solutions for:
  • Depression / Mania
  • Anxiety / Panic Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Childhood Development Disorders
  • Substance Abuse/ Dependence
  • Impulse Related Disorders
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Stress related concerns
  • Age related disorders (Dementia, Alzheimer's, Menopause)
  • Personality Disorder
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Attention deficit disorders (ADHD)
  • Career Guidance
  • Relationship counselling 
  • Marital counseling (Pre-Post)
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Physical Ailments (Treatment with Alternate Medicine) 

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