Saturday, August 6, 2011

Get rid of bad breath, now!

Source: Times of India

Spot the causes of bad breath and stop them completely

You are out for a party or for a very important meeting. You have foul smell which you don't realise, but people around you do. And you notice them trying to distance from you. Then you see someone coming to your rescue and informing you that you have bad mouth-odour problem. What do you do? Run away or wash your mouth by excusing yourself for a minute? But do you know the reasons for foul mouth odour? Here are some:

Dirty mouth: Mostly bad breath is due to the bacteria which is already present inside the mouth. When the bacteria interact with food particles it creates stinky smell and leads to bad odour. It also happens when the mouth is not washed properly after taking a meal. One should also drink a lot of water to help remove the extra matter from the mouth after a meal.

Bad habits: The basic thing that leads to bad breath is smoking, drinking and chewing tabocco. Not brushing properly and only cleaning the areas which are easily accessible, leaving parts like throat, tonsils and lower tongue also cause bad mouth odour.

Low carb diet: High protein diet and less carbohydrate creates problem. It generally happens during the exercise regime, because more protein diet is suggested to burn the stored fat inside the body which later lead to bad smell. So, it is required to eat a balanced diet so that people don't run away from you.

Illness: Occasionally, bad breath can be a sign of a more serious illness. The most common systemic causes of bad breath are diabetes or GERD (or gastro esophageal reflux disease). Other diseases which could lead to bad breath are liver or kidney disease. It happens due to the toxin which is excreted due to the disease.

Food: When you are out for lunch or dinner try and avoid sticky food. Sticky food do not get easily removed in one wash. It might need proper brushing of the teeth. Such food can also lead to foul smell. The obvious offenders are onions, garlic, spices, cheese, and fish.

Fast: Fasting and bad smell are a lethal combination. When a person goes without eating for a long period of time, the body breaks down the stored fat to release energy. In turn it releases Ketons which is pushed along with the breath and fills the mouth with bad odour.

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