Friday, August 19, 2011

Tips to overcome alcohol addiction syndrome

- Dr. Kurien S. Thomas, Effective Living Clinic, Vashi, Navi Mumbai : Rejuvenate

The thought to stop drinking itself shows that you have realised that consuming alcohol is no more a habit but a syndrome. Alcoholism not only takes toll on your physical health and mind it also disturbs your surrounding; thus creating a nuisance to the people around. Regular uncontrolled consumption of alcohol does leads you to diabetes, heart ailments, cholesterol, obesity, arthritis, nervous disorder and the list go on. Getting into this syndrome was not a choice but accident. There were many reasons that lead you into it. To understand it better reach out to a Counselor who could help you in identifying the various reasons that could have lead you in it and follow his/her instructions carefully to get out of this unpleasant behaviour. It is not impossible but does require enough motivation, courage and will power to say ‘NO’ to drinking alcohol. 
1. Only you can help
There is none who can help you to get rid of this syndrome but you yourself. If you trust in yourself then you can.

2. Seek professional help
Psychotherapist & Counselors can only guide you, but it’s you who has to strive hard to get out of it. Family members too have to be counselled on the ways and tips to help their loved ones to get out of this addiction. An advice to family members is never leave those addicted with alcohol on a neglected note but lead them with enough patience to get them, back on track. Good will power is essential along with motivation to help you get over it.

3. Get motivated
Discover non addictive motivational techniques to help you channelize your way out of alcoholism. You could chew some candies or strawberries when you get sensation to sip some alcohol. There are various other options that you could try out to get enough motivation. Involve your family members in this process.

4. No short cuts
There are no short cuts in getting out of alcohol addiction syndrome. It is not an instant change but a gradual process in getting this syndrome under check. Medication under guidance of a registered medical practitioner has to be administered as prescribed by them under the advice to withdraw medication. Seek support of your family members who are the real source of help to get you out of it. Involve them to help you take medical assistance on timely basis so that you get enough support.

5. Change your life style
Change in life style is very essential to make those addicted with alcohol to lead a life of positive change. A total detoxification is very essential both in physical and emotional self. If you want to stop drinking, stay away from people you used to hang around. These are your drinking buddies that can influence your motivation. Tell them that you are committed to quit drinking and you are staying sober. You should also talk to your parents and family regarding your decision to stop drinking alcohol. They are the people that can really help you with your endeavours. They will support and help you to stop drinking because they know it is the best thing you should do. They will give you the inspiration as well.Just as you begin the journey of stopping drinking alcohol, let yourself be ready to all the consequences and negative effects that you will meet along the way. They are obstacles that can easily destroy your willpower and end up a looser. You should not give up but stand up to make a difference. Your life depends on your decision to stop drinking and maintain sobriety so be sure to make it a better and a positive one. There are many ways to stop drinking alcohol and beat alcoholism. Please continue trying to stop drinking on your own and I am sure you can beat alcohol addiction. K Yoga therapy does have innovative techniques to help you get a healthier body and mind. Try to follow the tips mentioned above to bring positivism in your life.

Dr. Kurien S. Thomas is a certified & qualified Clinical Psychologist, PsychotherapistCounsellor, Life Coach, Registered Medical Practitioner in Alternate Medicines YogaTherapist. He has completed M.S, M.D (Doctor of Medicine in Alternative Medicines), certified & qualified Yoga Therapist from University of Mumbai, Founder and Executive Director of EFFECTIVE LIVING CLINIC and creator of K Yoga Therapy. He is registered with Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, which is recognized by the W.H.O (World Health Organisation) and U.N (United Nations).