Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tips to get shiny hair

We may only have some results in our vision and we keep on dreaming to achieve them without really knowing the pathway to reach it. For example, we may have been aspiring to get that shiny and silky hair, which are often displayed as "precious possessions" of beautiful models in TV commercials. And some of us even show a great deal of interest to buy and use those publicized hair care products which promise to bring magical results. Sometimes it works while at other times, we only lose our money and may be, some piles of hair as well. The fact is that, different hair textures will require different treatments and it is your responsibility to match products with your own individual needs.
Modify Your Product Choices on the Basis of Your Hair Texture
· If Your Hair is Fine: A shampoo containing wheat proteins and polymers will go well with fine hair. These ingredients form a coating on hair, thereby bestowing it a thicker appearance. You may also bring some spray volumizers into use. The fine droplets will give your hair a light shimmer.
· If Your Hair is Normal: Shampoos with silk amino acids are the best options to add shine to normal hair. The amino acids add softness to the hair while repairing the hair structure. Lecithin is responsible for restoring the hair texture. You may also apply gels and creams to add some shimmer to your hair. Take some quantity in your palm, rub your hands against each other and apply the product on your hair by way of a gentle patting.
· If Your Hair is Thick and Coarse: Coarse hair needs to be moisturized well. The use of pomades will add moisture to your hair while making it shiny and silky.
Tips to Add Shine to Your Hair
· Use a shampoo which gets activated by hot water.
· Condition your hair deeply for at least once a week.
· Refrain from using skin care products to a greater extent as the chemicals present in them may damage your hair.
· If your hair color is red or brown, then add a few tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water which you'll be using to rinse your hair.
· Strawberry hair masks also add luster to your hair. Crush eight strawberries and mix with one tablespoon mayonnaise. Wet your hair and massage this mixture. Wear a shower cap and cover with a warm towel. After some time, wash off with a shampoo and then apply a conditioner.
· If you have blonde hair, then you can make it shiny by adding a few tablespoon of lemon juice to the rinse water.
· Add one teaspoon of honey into 4 cups of warm water. After you are done with your shampooing, just pour the solution through your hair. Do not wash off. Let your hair dry up normally.
Behind every result, there has to be some effort. If you think that you can shine like a celebrity, then you'll need to put proper effort behind it. Getting shiny hair through hereditary connections is more of a chance and hence, all are not privileged to get this for "free". Work on these tips and wait for results to come.
Single parent? Tips for raising a child alone

Raising a child on your own can be stressful. If you're a single parent, understand how to cope with the pressure, find support and nurture your child.
If you're raising a child on your own, you're in good company. Single-parent families are more common than ever. Know how to manage some of the special challenges single parents experience and what you can do to raise a happy, healthy child.
If you're raising a child on your own, you're in good company. Single-parent families are more common than ever. Know how to manage some of the special challenges single parents experience and what you can do to raise a happy, healthy child.
What are the most common single-parent challenges?
Child rearing can be difficult under any circumstances. Without a partner, the stakes are even higher. As a single parent, you might have sole responsibility for all aspects of day-to-day child care. This can result in added pressure, stress and fatigue. If you're too tired or distracted to be emotionally supportive or consistently discipline your child, behavioral problems might arise. In addition, single-parent families generally have lower incomes and less access to health care. Juggling work and child care can be financially difficult and socially isolating. You might also worry about the lack of a male or female parental role model for your child.
How can a single parent deal with these challenges?
To reduce stress in your single-parent family:
· Show your love. Remember to praise your child. Give him or her your unconditional love and support.
· Create a routine. Structure — such as regularly scheduled meals and bedtimes — helps your child know what to expect.
· Prioritize family time. Set aside time each day to play, read or simply sit with your child.
· Find quality child care. Although an older sibling can sometimes care for a younger sibling, don't rely on an older child as your only baby sitter. Be careful about asking a new friend or partner to watch your child. If you need regular child care, look for a qualified caregiver who can provide stimulation in a safe environment.
· Set reasonable limits. Explain house rules and expectations to your child — such as speaking respectfully and picking up after yourself — and be careful to enforce them. Work with the other caregivers in your child's life to ensure you're providing consistent discipline. Consider re-evaluating certain limits, such as your child's computer time or curfew, when he or she demonstrates the ability to accept more responsibility.
· Don't feel guilty. Don't blame yourself or spoil your child to try to make up for being a single parent.
· Take care of yourself. Include physical activity in your daily routine, eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep. Arrange time to do activities you enjoy alone or with close friends.
· Lean on others. Just because you're a single parent doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself. Work out a carpool schedule with other parents. Join a support group for single parents or seek social services. Call on trusted loved ones, friends and neighbors for help. Faith communities can be helpful resources, too.
· Stay positive. Your mood and attitude can affect your child. It's OK to be honest with your child if you're having a difficult time, but remind him or her that things will get better. Try to keep your sense of humor when dealing with everyday challenges.
How should a single parent talk to a child about separation or divorce?
Many single-parent families are the result of divorce or separation. If this is the case in your family, talk to your child about the changes you're facing. Listen to your child's feelings and try to answer his or her questions honestly — avoiding unnecessary details or negativity about the other parent. Remind your child that he or she did nothing to cause the divorce or separation and that you'll always love him or her. A counselor might be able to help you and your child talk about problems, fears or concerns. Try to regularly communicate with your child's other parent about your child's care and well-being to help him or her adapt.
How can a single parent handle dating?
If you're dating, consider the fact that your new romantic partner will have an impact on your child. Look for a partner who will treat both you and your child with respect. Consider waiting until you've established a solid relationship with someone before introducing him or her to your child. When you're ready to make the introduction, explain to your child some of your new partner's positive qualities. Don't expect your new partner and your child to become close immediately, however. Give them time to get to know each other and develop a relationship.
How can a single parent address the lack of a male or female parental role model for a child?
If your child's other parent isn't involved in his or her life, you might worry about the lack of a male or female parental role model in your child's life. To send positive messages about the opposite sex:
· Look for opportunities to be positive about the opposite sex. Point out accomplishments or positive characteristics of members of the opposite sex in your family, the community or even the media. Avoid making broad, negative statements about the opposite sex.
Nutrition basics

Do you feel like you can't keep up with the latest nutrition news because it's always changing? While it's true that what is known about nutrition and diet is evolving, there are some nutrition basics you can keep in mind. By knowing these nutrition basics, you'll be better equipped to sort through the latest research and advice.
Mastering the nutrition basics comes down to understanding the food groups and becoming more aware of calories and the roles that specific nutrients play in a healthy diet. Want to go beyond the nutrition basics? Talk to your doctor or a dietitian for personalized dietary advice that takes into account your health status, lifestyle, and food likes and dislikes.
Do you want to adopt a healthy diet but aren't sure where to start? As you consider the parade of healthy diets in magazines and cookbooks, make sure to look for one that:
· Includes a variety of foods from the major food groups: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats
· Provides guidelines for how much food to choose from each group
· Includes foods you can find in your local grocery store
· Fits your tastes, lifestyle and budget
Also consider your health risks. Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure? If so, be sure to follow a diet that's low in salt, saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. For personalized advice, talk with your doctor or a dietitian.
Good food is one of life's great pleasures. And for most, meals are at the heart of family life and celebrations. Would you like to make satisfying and healthy meals that help protect your family from heart disease and other health problems?
Of course you would. So move away from calorie-laden, fatty and salty convenience items. Experiment with quick and healthy cooking techniques, such as baking, grilling and sauteing. Learn important food safety tips, recipe makeovers and more. And then enjoy knowing that your new healthy cooking skills are helping to reduce your family's risk of health problems.
If you're like most, you're looking for ways to make meals healthier yet still enticing. Get your juices flowing to plan healthy menus by browsing healthy recipes online and in cookbooks.
To prepare your healthy menus, you'll need to have healthy ingredients on hand. Your shopping strategies should focus on fresh and unprocessed foods. That means spending more time in the produce section, where you can stock up on fruits and vegetables. Keep an eye out too for whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Another key shopping strategy — don't linger in the snack food and candy aisles. Also be sure to check out the farmers market during the growing season to see what local produce is available.
Nutritional supplements are meant to complement a healthy diet, not replace it. If you're generally healthy and eat a wide variety of foods, you probably don't need nutritional supplements. In certain cases, however, fortified foods and dietary supplements may be useful in providing one or more nutrients. For example, adults age 50 or older may not get enough vitamin B-12 in their diets and may need fortified foods or a nutritional supplement.
You may also want to consider a nutritional supplement if you don't eat enough healthy foods or don't eat a healthy variety of foods. Talk with your doctor or a dietitian about whether nutritional supplements might be appropriate for you. Be sure to ask about possible side effects of nutritional supplements you're considering — and if they have interactions with medications you take.
Leftover fruits give you radiant skin

What do you do when you have a whole bunch of leftover fruitsand veggies in your refrigerator? As much as we try hard, these leftovers do not seem to get over.
Lemons, tomatoes, papaya, bananas, eggs are a few to name that top the list of leftovers in the fridge. Its time to stop fretting about wastage and the money spent.
We tell you a few ways of using it wisely... Lemons are very good for hair. Wash your hair with lemons. It is very good for oily and greasy hair. It has excellent nourishing properties like Vitamins B and A. This will take care of the dandruff and get rid of similar scalp problems.
Leftover bananas that changes colour to black are very useful in making your skin glow. Overripe bananas are very high in vitamin A, B and E, all of which benefit the skin. Mash a banana and put it all over your face till it completely dies up and rinse off after 15-20 minutes.
Papayas are good cleansers. It has Enzyme Papain which removes blemishes and rejuvenates an undernourished skin. Mash papayas and mix some honey to make a pack which you can smear all over your hands, neck and face. Wash after 15-20 minutes for a blemish free skin.
Eggs works wonders for skin and hair. Mix egg white with mayo and honey to make a thick paste. This can be applied to your hair as well. Egg has pure protein which will make your hair strong and honey that will bring out the lustre that was till now lacking in your tresses.
So, leftover fruits, vegetables and even poultry can contribute to your healthy skin and hair. Next time you spot something lying in your refrigerator unused, you know what to do.
How long can you last without sex?
Can this need be calmed and oppressed just by the tender gestures of your partner or do you need an entire sexual "show" to feel completely satisfied? Since most people do not ask themselves these kind of questions, there are often conflicts due to the difference between the behaviour and the sexual needs of everyone.
How long can you last without intercourse, before abstinence starts negatively influencing and affecting your overall health? How well do you know your "sexual watch"? How well can you interpret your "need" for having sex?
What are your priorities?
Sex is, undoubtedly, a necessity of the body, based on two coordinates: reproduction and the tendency to socialize, to permanently cooperate with those around us. Survival on long periods of time is based to humans' abilities to live in groups, which involves the birth of relations, more or less lasting or enjoyable. Most times, one of the options regarding celebrating or making an inter-human relationship official is the sexual act itself.
How is your body saying you need to have sex?
It might be easy to overlook your body's signals regarding the need to have sex, because many times you associate them to other problems which you probably have to deal with on a daily basis. The best way is to observe which and how many negative moods go away immediately after having sex. Keep in mind the fact that sex does not always involve two people, in other terms, consider masturbation an option.
Must-have-sex signals
- Excessive nervousness
- Long states of unjustified anxiety, migraines
- Permanent stress
- Lack of food appetite
- Lack of the need to sleep
- Contradictory feelings regarding certain persons
- Frequent sexual fantasies, especially during nighttime.
Practically, a non-existing sexual life causes a lot of reactions, more or less explicable, and in some extreme cases it can lead to severe physical and philological reactions: skin itches, irritations, anger etc. You could end up hurting the ones beside you, emotionally or even physically, because you did not "read" one of your body's cries for help.
Once you fully and completely understand your body's message: "I need sex!" it will be a lot easier for you to identify the time periods these unpleasant symptoms occur. If you manage to do this, you will also be able to prevent them. Of course, these intervals vary from person to person, and they are dependent to certain factors, such as age, sex, lifestyle, physical condition, pregnancy, menopause etc.
All in all, make sure you take some time and really analyze yourself and your body, your needs and your desires, and that way you will manage to understand the course of action you have to take so that everything returns on its' right normal "path" again.
Healthy aging: Over 50

Healthy aging is a hot topic for baby boomers everywhere. Whether you're concerned about weight gain, sex drive or chronic diseases, the key to healthy aging is a healthy lifestyle. Eating a variety of healthy foods, practicing portion control and including physical activity in your daily routine can go a long way toward promoting healthy aging. Better yet, it's never too late to make healthier lifestyle choices.
If an interest in healthy aging leads you to consider anti-aging therapies — such as restrictive diets, supplements or expensive treatments claiming to postpone or even reverse the aging process — be cautious. There's no quick fix for healthy aging. Know what you're buying, and know how to spot suspicious schemes. Often, anti-aging therapies don't live up to the claims.
Most adults spend years looking forward to a healthy retirement. Whether you're still planning your retirement or you're ready to make the change, there's much you can do to ensure a healthy retirement.
Start by learning what to expect as you get older, from changes in muscle mass and sex drive to vision and cardiovascular health. After all, your dreams for a healthy retirement likely depend on good health. Then consider ways to maintain a healthy retirement, from reducing your risk of falls and staying safe behind the wheel to improving your memory.
Another important aspect of healthy retirement is long term care. Consider your options now — including type of long term care, as well as how to pay for it — to help prevent hasty decisions later.
For dependent seniors, ongoing care can often be provided at home. In fact, the right type of home care services for dependent seniors can promote independence and assure the highest possible quality of life.
If you're considering your needs as you get older, explore the breadth of services available for dependent seniors. For example, home care services can provide dependent seniors with a range of assistance — from medical care and physical therapy to nutrition counseling, housekeeping support, meal delivery and companionship services.
To help you sort through the options for dependent seniors, ask the right questions upfront. Find out about agency qualifications, quality of care, costs, and specific services provided. The more you know, the easier it'll be to choose the best agency or care provider for your needs.
15-minute workout can keep you fit
A 15-minute workout at the gym helps keep you young as well as fit, according to a study.
Researchers found that brief vigorous exercise tends to slow the ageing process.
Just 15 minutes of energetic activity a day reduces stress and prevents the deterioration of vital cells which lead to us feeling and looking older, reports
Even if we are stressed, which tends to speed up the ageing process, we can hold time at bay by working up a sweat.
Psychologist Eli Puterman, who led the groundbreaking research, said the study is built on previous work that showed how changes in DNA result in ageing.
"We have extended those findings to show that, in fact, there are things we can do about it," said Puterman.
"If we maintain the levels of physical activity recommended by public
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Female sexual dysfunction
If you have persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response or desire — and if these problems are making you distressed or straining your relationship with your partner — what you're experiencing is known medically as female sexual dysfunction.
Female sexual dysfunction isn't uncommon — many women experience problems with sexual function at some point in their lives. Female sexual dysfunction can be a lifelong problem, or it can happen later in life after you've experienced a period of satisfactory functioning.
Female sexual dysfunction has many possible symptoms and causes. Fortunately, they're almost all treatable. Communicating your concerns and understanding your body and its normal response to sexual activity are important steps toward gaining sexual satisfaction.
You can develop female sexual dysfunction at any age, but sexual problems often happen when your hormones are in flux — for example, after having a baby or during menopause. Sexual concerns may also occur with major illness, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.
Your problems might be classified as female sexual dysfunction if you experience one or more of the following and you're distressed about it:
· Your desire to have sex is low or absent.
· You can't maintain arousal during sexual activity, or you don't become aroused despite a
desire to have sex.
desire to have sex.
· You cannot experience an orgasm.
· You have pain during sexual contact.
When to see a doctor
If sexual problems are undermining your relationship or disrupting your peace of mind, make an appointment with your doctor for evaluation.
If sexual problems are undermining your relationship or disrupting your peace of mind, make an appointment with your doctor for evaluation.
Several factors may contribute to sexual dissatisfaction or dysfunction. These factors tend to be interrelated.
· Physical. Physical conditions that may cause or contribute to sexual problems include arthritis, urinary or bowel difficulties, pelvic surgery, fatigue, headaches, other pain problems, and neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Certain medications, including some antidepressants, blood pressure medications, antihistamines and chemotherapy drugs, can decrease your sex drive and your body's ability to experience orgasm.
· Hormonal. Lower estrogen levels after the menopausal transition may lead to changes in your genital tissues and your sexual responsiveness. The folds of skin that cover your genital region (labia) become thinner, exposing more of the clitoris. This increased exposure sometimes reduces the sensitivity of the clitoris, or may cause an unpleasant tingling or prickling sensation.
In addition, the vaginal lining becomes thinner and less elastic, particularly if you're not sexually active. At the same time, the vagina requires more stimulation to relax and lubricate before intercourse. These factors can lead to painful intercourse (dyspareunia), and experiencing orgasm may take longer.
Your body's hormone levels also shift after giving birth and during breast-feeding, which can lead to vaginal dryness and can affect your desire to have sex.
· Psychological and social. Untreated anxiety or depression can cause or contribute to sexual dysfunction, as can long-term stress. The worries of pregnancy and demands of being a new mother may have similar effects. Longstanding conflicts with your partner — about sex or any other aspect of your relationship — can diminish your sexual responsiveness as well. Cultural and religious issues and problems with your own body image also may contribute.
Emotional distress can be both a cause and a result of sexual dysfunction. Regardless of where the cycle began, you usually need to address relationship issues for treatment to be effective.
Risk factors
Some factors may increase your risk of sexual dysfunction:
· Depression or anxiety
· Cardiovascular disease
· Neurologic conditions, such as spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis
· Liver or kidney failure
· Certain medications, such as antidepressants or high blood pressure medications
· Emotional or psychological stress, especially with regard to your relationship with your
· A history of sexual abuse
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Fitness or Fatness: What matters most?

Fitness and fatness may seem to be like the two sides of the river, which will never meet. In other words, you may never expect a "fat" man to exhibit high levels of physical activity or to be able to prove that he has high levels of physical fitness. Again, you may choose to conclude that one of your neighbors has tremendous physical fitness if you find him to be lean and thin. So does this mean that fat or overweight persons are unfit and that thin persons are super-fit? Definitely not. You can be fat as well as fit at the same time whereas being thin does not necessarily imply that you are fit as well.Understanding Fitness and Fatness
The American College of sports medicine defines fitness as the ability to perform daily activities with dynamism. Fitness also represents a demonstration of traits and capacities that are linked with low risk of premature development of the hypokinetic diseases (the conditions caused due to physical inactiveness). Health related physical fitness typically includes cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Fatness is a part of body composition which is one of the constituents of fitness.
When someone says, 'I want to get fit', we often assume he has to lose weight. But this is not the actual case. An individual may choose to lose weight only by limiting his caloric intake, but this will not actually improve his fitness level, although some indirect benefits may still accrue in his fitness level. But, if the individual chooses to lose some weight by increasing his activity level, then his level of fitness may get boosted at the same time.
Studies conducted by the Cooper's Institute in Dallas, Texas have shown that, it is better to be fit and fat than unfit and thin in terms of longevity. In a research which continued for 20 years, it was found that thin, unfit men were more susceptible to death on account of all causes in comparison to men who were considered overweight, but fit.
But it doesn't mean that you do not have to show any concern about being overweight. Many long term problems have been found to be associated with being overweight, especially when fat contributes to that excess weight. Being underweight or thin is not good either. A proper balance in body composition needs to be maintained and one should make an effort to maintain a healthy body weight and a good level of fitness across his lifespan.
Do not confuse fitness and fatness. Do not think that you are in the best level of fitness if you are not overweight. You must still take part in physical activities on a regular basis so as to maximize its health benefit. If you are overweight, then you must take care to combine increased levels of physical activity with a balanced nutritious diet to shed the extra body fat. The message is clear - what matters more is achieving better fitness level and in that process, you will keep away excess body fat automatically.
You may have feared the school "pahelwans" and may have chosen to stay away from them. Some of your friends may have also consoled you by saying that these overweight students were nothing but a pile of flesh. But to your surprise, you might have found that these overweight students had beaten you in your school sports. Today, you can now understand how fatness and fitness differ as well as relate with each other.
Get along with colleagues, live longer

People who have a good peer support system at work may live longer than those who don't.
This effect of peer social support was most pronounced amongst those aged between 38 and 43 years. Yet, similar support from workers' supervisors had no effect on mortality, the researchers found.
Besides, men who felt like they had control and authority to make decisions at work also experienced this "protective effect", according to the study reported in the journal Health Psychology.
Researchers rated peer social support as high if participants reported that their co-workers were helpful in solving problems and that they were friendly.
Researchers at Tel Aviv University looked at the medical records of 820 adults who were followed for 20 years -- from 1988 to 2008.
These workers came from some of Israel's largest firms in finance, insurance, public utilities, health care and manufacturing, according to a Tel Aviv statement.
They reported working on average 8.8 hours a day. One-third of them were women; 80 per cent were married with children; and 45 per cent had at least 12 years of formal education.
Asked why workplace control was positive for men but not women, lead researcher Arie Shirom said that for employees in blue-collar type of jobs, high levels of control were found in jobs typically held by men, rather than jobs typically held by women.
Health benefits of drinking coconut water
Coconut water is the purest liquid second only to water itself. It is naturally low in carbs, 99% fat free and low in sugar. The sugar content in coconut water is natural and not refined or processed which can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, a 100 g serving of coconut water provides 19 calories, 0.2 g of fat, 1.1 g of fiber, 0.72 g of protein and 0 mg of cholesterol.
Compared to health and sports drinks, coconut water contains less sodium and considerably more potassium. It also contains smaller amounts of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins and vitamin C. An ounce (around 30 ml) of coconut water contains around 61 mg of potassium, 5.45 mg of sodium and 1.3 g of sugar. Trace elements such as zinc, iodine, sulfur, manganese and selenium are also found in coconut water.
The Health Benefits of Coconut Water
1. Keeps the Body Hydrated: One of the primary health benefits of coconut water is its ability to hydrate the body. Coconut water contains all five of the same electrolytes that the body has including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. These electrolytes, along with the natural water content of the drink, play an important role in keeping your body hydrated, especially during and after sporting events when sweating can throw off your water levels and electrolyte balance.
2. Aids in the Weight Loss Process: coconut water is known for its low calorie content. By replacing higher calorie beverages with coconut water, you can save thousands of calories a year, which can help you during the weight loss process to a significant extent. For those who are on a low-fat diet, coconut water can easily be included into your diet plan as it is virtually fat free. This means you can enjoy coconut water before or after workouts without having to worry about the unhealthy saturated fat intake that is a concern with the consumption of milk-based beverages.
3. Boosts the Immune System: It contains lauric acid, which is also found in mother's milk. This lauric acid is antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal. Coconut water thus helps to strengthen the body's immune system against a variety of viruses and other diseases. Many people who live in the Philippines and the Caribbean have lower risks of getting affected with cold because they drink coconut water regularly.
4. Finds Its Use in Blood Transfusion: Coconut water is almost identical to blood plasma and this makes it easy to be used for blood transfusion. In cases of emergency coconut water can be used as an intravenous hydration fluid instead of the standard IV fluid. During World War II many wounded soldiers were saved in the Pacific because of emergency transfusion using coconut water as plasma.
5. Improves Circulation: Coconut water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to the blood cells and has been shown to raise the metabolism. It also aids in the cleaning of the digestive tract. Poor circulation is improved by drinking coconut water regularly.
6. Reduces Vomiting Tendencies: Coconut water is great at reducing vomiting. People who have typhoid, malaria, fevers or other ailments, show vomiting tendencies. Drinking coconut water settles the stomach. As such, coconut water is also a good thing to drink during a hangover.
7. Aids in Digestion: Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase and RNA polymerases. Altogether, these enzymes aid in digestion and metabolism. Regular consumption of coconut water assists in digestion. Slow sipping of coconut water after main meal helps in curing this digestive discomfort. The lauric acid in coconuts is also used to heal digestive tract disorders such as Leaky Gut Syndrome.
8. Acts as a Beneficial Drink for Cholera Affected Patients: Coconut water contains natural albumen, thus it is a perfect natural SOS drink for cholera affected patients.
9. Treats Heartburn Problem: Coconut water is an efficient natural remedy for controlling the intensity of acid reflux. It is a good natural antidote for heartburn problem.
10. Treats Urinary Infections: Coconut water helps in keeping check over urinary infections. It is very effective in treating kidney and urethral stones. Drinking coconut water regularly helps to break up kidney stones making them easier to push out. Drinking coconut water is a natural treatment of intestinal worms in infants. Coconut water consumption aids in the natural destruction of intestinal worms and it is safe for children to administer this herbal remedy on them.
11. Acts as a Source of B Vitamins: Coconut water is a source of essential B vitamins that are needed from dietary sources for use. B vitamins provide energy to the body, decrease anxiety and depressive symptoms, help with muscle functions and increase the immune response.
12. Maintains the Electrolyte Balance of the Body: Coconut water is a good source of potassium. One serving of coconut water from one coconut contains around 220 mg of potassium. This electrolyte is needed by the body every day. Potassium works with sodium and calcium to conduct electrical impulses. This electrolyte ensures proper contractions of the heart. It also supports normal digestive and muscle function.
13. Maintains the Functioning of Certain Enzymes: Magnesium is another electrolyte found in coconut water. This mineral is essential for the proper rhythmic contraction of muscles, the transportation and production of energy, the manufacture of protein and the functioning of certain enzymes.
14. Treats Heatstroke: Coconut water has long been used for the treatment for heatstroke and dehydration. In tropical environments, coconut water is often used to treat dehydration. Its chemical structure makes it effective in treating these symptoms.
15. Has Anti-Cancer Properties: Research studies suggest that cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects.
16. Promotes Skin Health: Coconut water acts as a light moisturizer which also decreases excessive oil on the skin. This proves to be beneficial for smoothing out combination skin as well. Add this water to a bath or mix it with liquid shower gel. It can also be added to lotion as well as hair conditioner or shampoo for oily hair. This natural water is best for acne and blackheads also. This is a natural toning and cleansing mask for oily skin.
Nothing can stand in competition with nature or its offerings. Companies may spend a million bucks for research and development to find products or solutions that will resemble nature, but ultimately they will end up incorporating natural elements only!
Papa won't preach

From father to friend: With kids being exposed to so much, daddy dearest should know when to make the transition from being a father to a friend. Says Jayesh Bhatia, father of 10-year-old Nirav, "I know that kids today face a lot of peer pressure, so one can't just think that disciplining the child will be enough. Be it about drinking and driving, sex or studies, a father has to be open to talk to his kids about it. Yes, it is easier said than done, but it's something that will make your bond with your kid very strong."
Trust your kids: The best way to instill faith in your kids is to trust them. Says student counsellor, TS Rao, "Parents often keep talking to their teenage kids like they are babies. Most teenagers hate this. They want their parents to give them responsibilities. Parents have to learn to maintain a balance between trusting their children and not being too indulgent. Some parents follow the traditional father-child relationship, while some go overboard being friends to their kids."
Don't force them to follow your dreams: It's great to have big dreams for your kids, but don't force them to realise all of those. Make sure that you understand the choices that your child wants to make. It doesn't mean that he/she doesn't respect you. Don't brush off their choices thinking that he/she is too young to know his/her mind. Nikhil Sen, father of 19-year-old Richa, says, "I always wanted my daughter to be a doctor, but she was very interested in taking up event management as a profession. Initially, I was sceptical about her choice, but when I sat down and spoke to her, I realised that she knew what she was talking about."
Give them space, but also spend time with them: Gone are the days when kids would be expected to holiday with their parents. Now kids don't like hanging out with their parents. Parents should understand and allow their kids freedom to a certain extent.
Express your affection: It's all about loving your kids after all. Make sure your kids know that no matter what they do or where they go wrong, you will always stand by them. It's very important for kids to feel that they have their parents' support. It gives them a huge confidence boost. Says Rao, "Many children hesitate to communicate freely with their dads. It's time that fathers strike a balance between disciplining and loving their child."
Things teen won't tell their parents

Korn, whose company The Korn Group released the study ''The Truth About Teens And Tweens'', said parents need to reassess how they talk to their children if they want them to be more open. Michelle Mitchell, author of ''What Teenage Girls Don't Tell Their Parents'', agrees.
"They think their parents will panic and embarrass them by becoming too involved. Instead of deciding what they think should be done, parents need to ask their children 'what do you want me to do?'" the Daily Telegraph quoted her as saying. But if your daughter rolls her eyes whenever you ask her a question or your son simply grunts, here is what might really be going on in your tween or teen's life.
Mitchell and Korn agree that bullying is a bigger part of everyday life for tweens and teens than parents realise. "It happens in the playground and it happens online, it happens every day. It might be low-level like ignoring certain friends or making nasty comments but it can still be hurtful and damaging," Mitchell said.
Korn says tweens have changeable crushes while teens have relationships, which may or may not become sexual. Teenagers don't want to talk to their parents about the details of what goes on in their relationships.
A recent report found 44.2 per cent of 13-year-olds and 84.7 per cent of 17-year-olds had consumed alcohol in the past year. And 8.4 per cent of 13-year-olds and 31.4 per cent of 17-year-olds had smoked.
The Korn Group said drinking alcohol is almost expected at many teenage parties and marijuana is 'easy' to get.
Mitchell says parents need to arm themselves with knowledge about what their teenagers are doing online, to protect them from bullying and also predators. They might say they hate you but that doesn't change the fact tweens and teens enjoy time with their families. Keeping up with who are your teenage daughter's 'best friends' can be almost a full-time job.
"Having friends means being accepted, so teenagers will put up with a lot before leaving a group of friends. That can be difficult for parents," Mitchell said.
Top 10 tips for muscle building
What frustrates you the most as a man? What do you feel when heroes like Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger try to grab your girlfriend's attention? Those bulky muscles, toned body and a thin waist line make these heroes earn the status of "secret lovers" in women's minds. Okay, you won't mind that much because, after all they are the stars who can have many such admirers! But what about the normal "Tom, Dick or Harry" who can be your neighbor? A normal guy can assume great looks and build up a great body! What will you feel when he will try to woo your girl? You can be like him and you can preserve the interest in your relationship. Here are the top 10 ways by which you can build up muscles and can be another "Stallone" to your girlfriend:

1. Select a Suitable Workout: Select a workout that suits you. There are a number of muscle building workouts but what suits others may not suit you. The best workout will involve a customized workout regime which is planned according to your fitness level, health status and your requirements. A fitness expert is the best person who can plan out your muscle building workout.
2. Divide Your Workout: For an effective workout, divide it. Divide your workout into 3 to 4 sessions and in each session you focus on 2 to 3 muscle groups. By doing so, you can overload your muscles properly. Take adequate rest after this session. Training the same muscle group daily or for 3 to 4 times a week can lead to overtraining and may cause injury.
3. Monitor Your Frequency: Strength training on a daily basis for 6 to 7 days a week may not be recommended, especially if you are going for intense strength training. Perform workouts for a maximum of 3 to 4 times a week. Take rest on the remaining days. You can even go for some aerobic exercises or recreational sports to maintain physical activity.
4. Incorporate Proper Technique: Execution of proper technique not only prevents injury but also allows you to isolate particular muscle actions to get optimal benefit. After learning the proper technique, do each and every movement slowly and in a controlled manner.
5. Incorporate Proper Breathing Technique: Focus on the rule - "Exhale when you exert". Many people tend to hold their breath during workouts. This raises the internal pressure which can severely affect an individual's cardio-respiratory functions and can cause severe injury. You may also experience a fall in your performance if you do not breathe properly.
6. Change Your Workout: Your workout should be progressive in nature. This means, you need to change your workout after every 3 to 4 weeks. Working out on the same regime leads to adaptation and the results gradually slow down. Change your workout intensity to keep your body in the muscle building state. Strength training is more of intensity than volume, so the progression should preferably be in terms of increasing the resistance or the intensity.
7. Take Adequate Rest: Ensure proper rest after each workout session. To do so, perform strength training on alternate days. Muscles recover and grow during the resting period. Proper rest need to be supplemented with a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep may wash off all your efforts! So pay proper attention to it!
8. Allow Proper Warm Up and Cool Down: Do proper warm up and cool down. Warm up prepares the body for the workout. It increases blood circulation to target muscle groups. It also increases the muscle temperature, making it efficient for a productive workout. At the end of the workout session, do proper cool down to bring your body back to the resting state. Include proper stretching exercises in your cool down.
9. Record Your Advancements: Keep a log of your workout so that you can track your progress. Make a note of the weights that you are lifting, the number of repetitions and the sets that you are doing. Your logs will be very helpful in making a progression in your workout.
10. Take A High Protein Diet: Diet should always be planned according to your workout. Proper nutrition plays a great role in muscle building. Consume sufficient amount of calories. Lack of calories will cause protein break down, which happens to be the ultimate building block of muscles. A high protein diet is very important in building muscles. Muscles are nothing but protein and thus protein plays a vital role. You can also go for protein supplements like whey protein, protein shakes and bars. Take appropriate pre and post workout meals. Keep your body hydrated by consuming sufficient amounts of water throughout the day.
This is just the beginning of a bigger story! You will feel very confident and motivated when you will observe the gradual development of muscles. And of course, you can be your girlfriend's "Rocky"! Let the real Rocky stay back in her dreams only!
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