From father to friend: With kids being exposed to so much, daddy dearest should know when to make the transition from being a father to a friend. Says Jayesh Bhatia, father of 10-year-old Nirav, "I know that kids today face a lot of peer pressure, so one can't just think that disciplining the child will be enough. Be it about drinking and driving, sex or studies, a father has to be open to talk to his kids about it. Yes, it is easier said than done, but it's something that will make your bond with your kid very strong."
Trust your kids: The best way to instill faith in your kids is to trust them. Says student counsellor, TS Rao, "Parents often keep talking to their teenage kids like they are babies. Most teenagers hate this. They want their parents to give them responsibilities. Parents have to learn to maintain a balance between trusting their children and not being too indulgent. Some parents follow the traditional father-child relationship, while some go overboard being friends to their kids."
Don't force them to follow your dreams: It's great to have big dreams for your kids, but don't force them to realise all of those. Make sure that you understand the choices that your child wants to make. It doesn't mean that he/she doesn't respect you. Don't brush off their choices thinking that he/she is too young to know his/her mind. Nikhil Sen, father of 19-year-old Richa, says, "I always wanted my daughter to be a doctor, but she was very interested in taking up event management as a profession. Initially, I was sceptical about her choice, but when I sat down and spoke to her, I realised that she knew what she was talking about."
Give them space, but also spend time with them: Gone are the days when kids would be expected to holiday with their parents. Now kids don't like hanging out with their parents. Parents should understand and allow their kids freedom to a certain extent.
Express your affection: It's all about loving your kids after all. Make sure your kids know that no matter what they do or where they go wrong, you will always stand by them. It's very important for kids to feel that they have their parents' support. It gives them a huge confidence boost. Says Rao, "Many children hesitate to communicate freely with their dads. It's time that fathers strike a balance between disciplining and loving their child."