Men and young boys are more aware of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and are known to have researched it more than women. The early signs of ADHD can manifest themselves as impulsive, irrational or irate behavior over trivial matters in women. When a woman complains of psychological problems, it is by default diagnosed as depression or anxiety and the chance of ADHD being the case is rarely reported. When treatment for ADHD is not prescribed, the patient gains only a partial benefit from the medication advised for depression and anxiety.

Ari Tuckman, a clinical psychologist from Pennsylvania suggests that this sort of a diagnosis is due to a general misconception. He says that ADHD affects both men and women, apart from children, but many think that it is the male population who is prone to it and not the females. When a woman exhibits symptoms of ADHD, it is misconstrued as anxiety and depression.
Identifying ADHD in Girls and Women
The signs of ADHD commonly observed in girls include:
· Daydreaming
· Lack of attention
· Talkative nature
Patricia Quinn, Director of the National Center for Gender Issues and ADHD, says that girls diagnosed with ADHD tend to turn into social butterflies. For instance, volunteering as a monitor, assisting the teacher in her tasks, etc. The signs of ADHD are usually overshadowed by their high grades at school.
Lack of care to diagnose this disorder in adolescence leads to it being carried into adulthood. When these women start taking up responsibilities of work and home, an imbalance of the two spheres leads to anxiety and depression. Other symptoms seen are:
· Lack of focus at work
· Inability to match schedules
· Lack of sleep
· Overspending
· Inability to finish work at home
When these symptoms start upsetting them, they may turn to:
· Overeating
· Abusing drugs
· Drinking
Although women experience the same symptoms as men, the strain is more intense for a woman.
Women with ADHD tend to attribute their success to external factors. They are emotionally oriented rather than being focused on tasks to resolve their problems. When her child is diagnosed with ADHD, the mother tends to be more stressed than the father since women consider themselves more responsible for whatever happens at home. In addition to this, a study claims that men are less tolerant with their wives who have ADHD than women whose husbands have ADHD.
Stress takes a toll on ADHD-affected women, disturbing them both physically and psychologically. Women who suffer from such chronic stress are at a greater risk of diseases such as fibromyalgia. In this way, improper diagnosis and wrong treatment of ADHD leads to women suffering silently. Some women hide their disorder from others and withdraw into a shell, cutting their social interactions to the bare minimum. Few end up having low self-esteem and get frustrated in their attempt to be at par with women who don't have ADHD.
Treatment Options for ADHD in Women
ADHD involves multiple aspects like mood, behavior, and cognitive ability. An efficient treatment method would involve getting psychiatric help, stress management tactics, meditation, and a life coach to handle ADHD.
Owing to a lower number of experts who are proficient in managing ADHD, women continue to suffer. Clinicians provide an emotional resolution and work out the interpersonal issues for women with ADHD. A treatment plan which relieves them from this lifelong condition is required.
Some adult ADHD treatment plans include:
· Behavioral Therapy: This helps women in managing time, maintaining their neatness; provides clarity of thought, better organization; and promotes understanding about their professional and social strengths.
· Medications: Doctors may prescribe medicines such as Strattera or any other non-stimulants. Antidepressants prescribed by doctors may also help in resolving their ADHD problems.
· A Life Coach: Some women could seek counsel from a life coach who can help resolve their issues with effective advice, emotional support, and encouragement.
Timely diagnosis and a good treatment will help ADHD-affected women gain happiness and success in both their personal and professional lives, letting them mingle freely with others without any issues.